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Artwork requirements for sandwich labels

Druckdatenanforderungen für Sandwich-Etiketten

Punching contour

For the final shape of the label, a contour must be created in a suitable graphics program in solid color with the name "Stanze" and set to "overprint". If no die-cutting contour is available, we will create a standard die-cutting contour with a 2 mm corner radius around the desired label format.


Safety distance

To avoid cutting off important elements (text, logo, image, graphic, etc.) during production, their distance from the punching contour should be at least 2 mm.



To ensure that the sandwich label has a perfect cut edge, elements (background image, background color, etc.) that end with the edge must be created at least 2 mm beyond the die cutting contour.


Type area

For optimal quality, all important information should be located in this area.


End format frame

The final size frame indicates the dimensions of the finished printed product (without the bleed) and corresponds to the size of the die-cut outline.

Notes on creating the pages:

Page 1

1 Punching contour
2 Safety distance min. 2 mm

Page 2 (reverse side of page 1)

1 Punch contour
2 permanent glue line min. 5 mm

Page 3 (base)

1 Punch contour
2 permanent glue line min. 5 mm

Attention:For 2-sided sandwich labels, only side 1 and side 3 (base) are used.

Please note the following general requirements for creating your artwork.

Format PDF/X-4:2010

Format PDF/X-4:2010

Please save your artwork as a PDF in the format PDF/X-4:2010

Please avoid following data formats:

.docx / .ppt / .ai / .eps / .jpg / .png / .tiff

Overprint / Knockout

Overprint / Knockout

When overprinting, the upper element overlaps the underlying one and both colours mix. When knocking out, the lower element is "exposed" to the area of the upper element and the color remains in its pure form.

Embed fonts

Embed fonts

Please embed all used fonts in the artwork. Alternatively, you can convert the fonts used in your layout to outlines.

Colour spectrum CMYK

Colour spectrum CMYK

The printing industry works with the colour spectrum CMYK (Cyan, Magenta, Yellow, Black). Please create your files within this colour spectrum. RGB (Red, Green, Blue) is used for on-screen viewing, but cannot be printed out.

Special colours (Pantone or HKS)

Special colours (Pantone or HKS)

Please use the original colour designations of the Pantone or HKS colour table. The conversion to CMYK is done directly on the printing machine. Spot colours can only be used in conventional printing. In digital printing, the colour mode CMYK is used - spot colours are only simulated.

Font size

Font size

• Standard: positive: min. 5 pt, negative: min. 6 pt

• Shipping cartons: min. 2 mm height for small letters

Ink coverage

Ink coverage

The maximum ink coverage should not exceed 300 %. Apply 100 % K to black text and elements (e.g. shapes, lines, colour areas).

Image resolution min. 300 dpi

Image resolution min. 300 dpi

Use only high-resolution images with, depending on the image size, at least 300 dpi (dots-per-inch). Images with less DPI, e.g. low-resolution images from the Internet cannot be printed clearly and appear „pixelated“ (blurry) when printed.

Line width

Line width

Please pay attention to the line thickness for graphic elements and fonts. We recommend thicker lines for negatively displayed / cut-out elements.

• Standard: min. 0.5 pt (negative / cutout = min. 1 pt)

• Shipping cartons: min. 0.2 mm (negative / blanked out = min. 0.4 mm)

Safety distance

Safety distance

In order not to cut off important elements, a safety margin to the edge of your artwork (punch / creasing / perforation) is required.

• Standard: min. 3 mm

• Labels & folding boxes: min. 1,5 mm

• Shipping cartons: min. 5 mm

Bleed margin / trapping

Bleed margin / trapping

In order to avoid unsightly „flashes“ in the material colour, we recommend that you create an edge trim.

• Standard: min. 2 mm (+ 3 mm overfill of glue flap for folding boxes)

• pouch packaging / package inserts: min. 3 mm

• Shipping cartons: min. 5 mm (+ 5 mm overfill of glue flap)



To ensure that the colours on transparent or dark materials, as well as gold and silver foil, are rich and vibrant, white should be printed under selected elements (logos, images, ...). To do this, define a spot colour called „HPI-White“ with a bright colour (e.g. 20 % cyan). Place HPI-White-Areas below the respective element and set the upper element to “Overprint”.

Hot foil stamping

Hot foil stamping

When using the hot foil finishing, please create the element as a technical spot colour (solid colour) with the name „Heissfolienpraegung“. Set elements to „overprint“ and do not omit elements below.